The Milk Bar

Curiosity surrounds these old fashioned Milk Bars, they are something from a bygone era, the term milk bar is a misnomer, these are a type of cafeteria where you order simple yet hearty dishes for a very cheap price. Whether you are seeking a bite to eat or something on the run you can rest assured that the Polish Milk Bar will be a feature of the city’s culinary scene. Don’t expect the Ritz, with no pretence about style these places were created for the express purpose of providing homemade food. Grabbing a tray and picking up your meal from a serving window and taking your meal to a table. Here you can buy food and drinks at a very affordable price, popular by the Poles since the days of the war, you can't go wrong with this menu; potatoes, meatballs and a bowl of pink beetroot soup - authentic Polish food. Gdansk has its milk bars listed (Trip Adviser) as places you must visit as they are so unique. This is an interesting concept, popular during days of communism, this still remains the best way to eat on the run. It sells good Polish traditional cuisine, everything Poles love to eat, everyone from business people through to young families preferring to dine this way. These compact stores go from that retro look while others haven’t changed since those early 50’s. Food is authentic and it's quick, most have their menus in Polish but you will soon get the hang of ordering.


The Rosé Revolution


The Winnica